The Work of Restoration

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It can be a fun project to restore something.  Usually, the reason whatever it is needs to be restored is that it’s been left to itself too long and has become rusty and unusable.  Restoring something takes it back to its original purpose.  Instead of letting it continue to degrade and decay, it is the process of renewing it and helping it again do what it was intended for.
This same work of restoration is necessary in each of our lives as well.  We can spend too much time focusing on our own self-interest.  Spiritually, this can lead to the equivalent of rusting and corroding.  So if, as Christians, we want to be everything God wants for us to be, how do we sacrifice self-interest?  How do we make the choice to go God’s way instead of our own?
James 4:7-10 offers these 4 recommendations: 1) Renew Your Submission to God; 2) Resist the One Opposed to God; 3) Reestablish Closeness with God; and finally 4) Repent Before God.
Sacrifice self-interest by submitting to God and serving Him only.
James 4:7-10
Aug. 27, 2023
To watch the video of this message, click here.