Oct 2, 2022
God’s Vineyard
Series: (All)
Through a parable in the form of a song, Isaiah tells a story about God's Vineyard.  His purposes are to encourage us to maximize all that God has given us; to recognize that God has expectations for us; and to pursue justice and righteousness.
We do not belong to ourselves, we are the workmanship of God.
Isaiah 5:1-30
Oct. 2, 2022
To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Oct 2, 2022God’s Vineyard
    Oct 2, 2022
    God’s Vineyard
    Series: (All)
    Through a parable in the form of a song, Isaiah tells a story about God's Vineyard.  His purposes are to encourage us to maximize all that God has given us; to recognize that God has expectations for us; and to pursue justice and righteousness.
    We do not belong to ourselves, we are the workmanship of God.
    Isaiah 5:1-30
    Oct. 2, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Sep 25, 2022The Authentic Word of God
    Sep 25, 2022
    The Authentic Word of God
    Series: (All)
    The Bible has always been attacked by those who are opposed to God and Christianity.  In light of the growing trend to see the Bible as just a collection of fables, legends, history, and moral precepts, we must remind ourselves why we believe the Bible is the literal word of God, given to us as our source of authority for faith and practice.
    The Bible is the word of God, written for your benefit.  It is food for your soul, guidance for your life, and your foundation for living.
    2 Timothy 3:16-17
    Sept. 25, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Sep 18, 2022The Mystery of God’s Mercy
    Sep 18, 2022
    The Mystery of God’s Mercy
    Series: Romans
    Many people enjoy a good mystery.  But, I suppose that's only true if the mystery is revealed by the end of the story.  In Romans 11:25-32, Paul explains something of the mystery of God’s mercy.  When it comes to saving people from the horrible consequences of their sin, something God freely offers to do, no one person or people group is more deserving than any other.
    There are four truths about salvation which show up in this passage: 1) Salvation is a humbling revelation of a hidden truth; 2) Salvation is supported by Scripture; 3) Salvation is grounded in God’s promise; and 4) Salvation shows us God’s mercy.
    There is no place for pride in salvation – we all need God’s mercy.
    Romans 11:25-32
    Sept. 18, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Sep 11, 2022Stumbling Out of Sin into Salvation
    Sep 11, 2022
    Stumbling Out of Sin into Salvation
    Series: Romans
    Driving down a twisty mountain road, coming home from a camping trip, one of our daughters got car sick.  We had to pull over to get her cleaned up.  A few minutes later, some of our friends with whom we'd been camping pulled up behind us to see if everything was okay.  As my friend was walking back to his car, he happened to cast a glance at the wheel on the trailer he was towing and discovered that the bearings had failed, and the wheel had almost come completely off the axle.  If he hadn't stopped, he most certainly would have lost the wheel in just a few more miles. Sometimes unpleasant things happen, but they lead to something good.  In this case, my daughter getting sick, led to my friend pulling over, and narrowly avoiding what would have been a bad accident on a mountain road. 
    In Rom. 11:11-24 we find that Israel's rejection of the Gospel led to its spread to other nations, resulting in salvation for many people.  God continued to leave the door open for repentance and the acceptance of the gift of forgiveness He offers to all.  But, it all started with Israel. Three things stand out in this section of Romans: 1) God can bring blessings out of bad things; 2) Watch out for pride & presumption about our place with God; 3) God promises to receive those who are repentant.
    What we find is that - faith is the one way to have a right relationship with God.
    Romans 11:11-24
    Sept. 11, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Sep 4, 2022God’s Grace is Always Amazing
    Sep 4, 2022
    God’s Grace is Always Amazing
    Series: Romans
    There are kind people in the world.  We experience their graciousness at times when we truly don't deserve it.  Maybe you made it up to the counter with your purchase and suddenly realized you were 50 cents short, but the cashier let you make the purchase anyway.  It's not that you deserved it or earned it.  That person was just showing you a little grace.
    God's grace is even more amazing than that!  God faithfully offers forgiveness and salvation for our sins throughout the course of our lives.  He waits patiently for us to accept His gracious offer, because He wants an eternal relationship with us.  God's forgiveness is not something we can earn, and it is certainly not something we deserve.  It's just God's amazing grace at work.
    God’s faithfulness and grace mean He isn’t finished with you yet.
    Romans 11:1-10
    Sept. 4, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Aug 28, 2022What Have You Heard?
    Aug 28, 2022
    What Have You Heard?
    Series: Romans
    Many of the things we do in life have a particular order to them, and often if things are attempted out of order, it just wont work.  When I was a paramedic and was going to start an I.V. on someone, there were a number of things that had to be done before I pulled out that needle. I needed to open a bag of Saline; attach the drip tubing and purge it of air; prepare any containers to take blood samples; set out tape and items necessary to secure the I.V. to the patient; place a tourniquet on their arm; swab the location with alcohol; and then I was finally ready to get the needle out.
    There is an order to things for hearing God's Good News as well.  You can't call on God if you don't believe in Him; you can't believe in Him if you've never heard of Him; you wont hear of Him if nobody tells you about Him; and that can't happen unless somebody is willing to go tell people.
    People need to hear the Good News that they can ask God for His gracious salvation.
    Romans 10:14-21
    Aug. 28, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Aug 21, 2022The Simplicity of Salvation
    Aug 21, 2022
    The Simplicity of Salvation
    Series: Romans
    If you've ever seen a Rube Goldberg machine you know that it's a complicated device designed to perform a simple task.  For instance, one machine incorporated 98 separate steps to simply open a book.
    Like Rube Goldberg machines, we humans can sometimes unnecessarily complicate things too.  One such area is the matter of Salvation.  Salvation is quite simple according to Scripture.
    In Romans 10:1-13, Paul shows us the simplicity of Salvation.  First, we need a right understanding of God's righteousness.  Secondly, God's righteousness is received by faith.  And, Thirdly, God's righteousness is available to all.
    Salvation is not about what we know or do, it’s about what we believe  confess.
    Romans 10:1-13
    Aug. 21, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Aug 14, 2022Stumbling Over the Savior
    Aug 14, 2022
    Stumbling Over the Savior
    Series: Romans
    We've probably all seen people walking around, so focused on their phones, that they've stumbled into fountains, bushes, or even run into things.  When our attention is elsewhere, it's easy to get tripped up.
    As Paul concludes chapter 9 of his letter to the Romans, he speaks of Christ as a stumbling stone for some people.  When it comes to receiving God's forgiveness and salvation, sometimes people get tripped up.  Paul's words highlight 3 stumbling stones people still trip over today: 1) We can stumble over our own sin; 2) We can stumble over our own service; 3) We can stumble over salvation’s simplicity.
    Don’t get tripped up trying to earn salvation, simply trust in Christ.
    Romans 9:30-33
    Aug. 14, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Aug 7, 2022The Problem With Presumption
    Aug 7, 2022
    The Problem With Presumption
    Series: Romans
    Have you ever jumped to a conclusion, or judged a book by its cover?  If you have, then you understand what it is to "presume" something.  Sometimes we may be right in our presumptions, other times we may be wrong.
    In Rom. 9:19, Paul suggests a presumption that his readers might have held – if God is in control of everything, then how is it fair for Him to blame us for sin?  In verses 20-29, Paul responds with 3 truths which reveal that most of our problems with God seeming unfair arise because our image or understanding of God is distorted by our own presumptions.
    The truth is: 1) God Has the Right to Deal with His World as He Wishes; 2) God Has Revealed His Patience & Purpose; 3) God Pre-Recorded His Plans through the Prophets.
    God shows us patient endurance rather than simply the powerful wrath we deserve.
    Romans 9:19-29
    Aug. 7, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Jul 31, 2022Is God Unjust?
    Jul 31, 2022
    Is God Unjust?
    Series: Romans
    From the time we were little, we developed a well honed sense of fairness.  It showed up at times like when our sibling got a larger helping of dessert than we did (even if it had to be measured in microns).  The thing is, the idea of fairness and justice can vary from person to person.  What seems fair to one person might seem unfair to another.
    This has led some to question God's fairness.  Is God unjust?  As we wrestle through what Paul has written in Romans 9 about God's choices, what we come to find out is that, far from being unjust, God is great in mercy.
    God's mercy exceeds the measure of our sin.
    Romans 9:14-18
    July 31, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.