Aug 21, 2022
The Simplicity of Salvation
Series: Romans
If you've ever seen a Rube Goldberg machine you know that it's a complicated device designed to perform a simple task.  For instance, one machine incorporated 98 separate steps to simply open a book.
Like Rube Goldberg machines, we humans can sometimes unnecessarily complicate things too.  One such area is the matter of Salvation.  Salvation is quite simple according to Scripture.
In Romans 10:1-13, Paul shows us the simplicity of Salvation.  First, we need a right understanding of God's righteousness.  Secondly, God's righteousness is received by faith.  And, Thirdly, God's righteousness is available to all.
Salvation is not about what we know or do, it’s about what we believe  confess.
Romans 10:1-13
Aug. 21, 2022
To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Aug 21, 2022The Simplicity of Salvation
    Aug 21, 2022
    The Simplicity of Salvation
    Series: Romans
    If you've ever seen a Rube Goldberg machine you know that it's a complicated device designed to perform a simple task.  For instance, one machine incorporated 98 separate steps to simply open a book.
    Like Rube Goldberg machines, we humans can sometimes unnecessarily complicate things too.  One such area is the matter of Salvation.  Salvation is quite simple according to Scripture.
    In Romans 10:1-13, Paul shows us the simplicity of Salvation.  First, we need a right understanding of God's righteousness.  Secondly, God's righteousness is received by faith.  And, Thirdly, God's righteousness is available to all.
    Salvation is not about what we know or do, it’s about what we believe  confess.
    Romans 10:1-13
    Aug. 21, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Aug 14, 2022Stumbling Over the Savior
    Aug 14, 2022
    Stumbling Over the Savior
    Series: Romans
    We've probably all seen people walking around, so focused on their phones, that they've stumbled into fountains, bushes, or even run into things.  When our attention is elsewhere, it's easy to get tripped up.
    As Paul concludes chapter 9 of his letter to the Romans, he speaks of Christ as a stumbling stone for some people.  When it comes to receiving God's forgiveness and salvation, sometimes people get tripped up.  Paul's words highlight 3 stumbling stones people still trip over today: 1) We can stumble over our own sin; 2) We can stumble over our own service; 3) We can stumble over salvation’s simplicity.
    Don’t get tripped up trying to earn salvation, simply trust in Christ.
    Romans 9:30-33
    Aug. 14, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Aug 7, 2022The Problem With Presumption
    Aug 7, 2022
    The Problem With Presumption
    Series: Romans
    Have you ever jumped to a conclusion, or judged a book by its cover?  If you have, then you understand what it is to "presume" something.  Sometimes we may be right in our presumptions, other times we may be wrong.
    In Rom. 9:19, Paul suggests a presumption that his readers might have held – if God is in control of everything, then how is it fair for Him to blame us for sin?  In verses 20-29, Paul responds with 3 truths which reveal that most of our problems with God seeming unfair arise because our image or understanding of God is distorted by our own presumptions.
    The truth is: 1) God Has the Right to Deal with His World as He Wishes; 2) God Has Revealed His Patience & Purpose; 3) God Pre-Recorded His Plans through the Prophets.
    God shows us patient endurance rather than simply the powerful wrath we deserve.
    Romans 9:19-29
    Aug. 7, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Jul 31, 2022Is God Unjust?
    Jul 31, 2022
    Is God Unjust?
    Series: Romans
    From the time we were little, we developed a well honed sense of fairness.  It showed up at times like when our sibling got a larger helping of dessert than we did (even if it had to be measured in microns).  The thing is, the idea of fairness and justice can vary from person to person.  What seems fair to one person might seem unfair to another.
    This has led some to question God's fairness.  Is God unjust?  As we wrestle through what Paul has written in Romans 9 about God's choices, what we come to find out is that, far from being unjust, God is great in mercy.
    God's mercy exceeds the measure of our sin.
    Romans 9:14-18
    July 31, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Jul 24, 2022God’s Faithfulness & Your Family Tree
    Jul 24, 2022
    God’s Faithfulness & Your Family Tree
    Series: Romans
    There is a saying in Christianity that, "the ground is level at the foot of the cross."  What this means is that we are all on equal footing when it comes to our need for forgiveness and salvation.  No one is too good to need it, nor is anyone too sinful to receive it.  We don't come into it because of the family we grew up in, nor do we earn it through our own goodness.
    Salvation is a gift, offered freely by God who loves us.  He has made a way for us to be saved from the consequences of our sins, and has promised that He will save us, if we will accept His gift.  What Paul shows us in Rom. 9:6-13 is that: 1) Salvation is never based on natural advantages; 2) Salvation is always based on God's promises; 3) Salvation never takes any notice of whether we are good or bad.
    Salvation is not based on our pedigree or performance, but on God’s promises.
    Romans 9:6-13
    July 24, 2022
    To watch the vide of this message, click here.
  • Jul 17, 2022Love Those Who Are Lost
    Jul 17, 2022
    Love Those Who Are Lost
    Series: Romans
    Being lost in an unfamiliar area can be very stressful - not knowing which way to turn, or how to get to where you want to go.  Before you realize that you are lost, you can continue on in blissful ignorance, enjoying the journey.  But, once you discover that you don't know where you are or where you are going, panic starts to set in.
    The Bible tells us that we are spiritually lost apart from Christ.  Some don't realize they are lost yet. Others may sense they are lost, but don’t know what to do about it. Still others have found salvation and forgiveness through faith in Christ. Those who have found the way to be saved need to lovingly reach out to those who are still lost seeking to lead them to Christ.
    In Romans 9 we see from Paul’s example that we need to have a powerful love for the lost. That love should be marked by at least 5 things: Sincerity, Sorrow, Sacrifice, Insight, and a focus on the Savior.
    We need to have a powerful love for the lost, leading us to share God’s love with them.
    Romans 9:1-5
    July 17, 2022
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Dec 12, 2021Living as Conquerors
    Dec 12, 2021
    Living as Conquerors
    Series: Romans
    Paul closes Romans 8 seeking to assure Christians of their salvation.  He tells us in complete confidence that “God is for us.”  But, that necessitates us asking a preliminary question, "Are you for God?"  If you are, then these words of Paul give you 4 reasons to believe that God is for you: 1) God has already given us the greatest gift; 2) God has already declared us “not guilty;” 3) Christ is constantly praying for us; 4) Christ won’t let anything separate us from His love.
    Once we are in His care, it is impossible to be separated from Christ.
    Romans 8:31-39
    Dec. 12, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Dec 5, 2021Crucial Wisdom for the Christian Life
    Dec 5, 2021
    Crucial Wisdom for the Christian Life
    Series: Romans
    We can seek 'wisdom' from a variety of sources. Wise sayings can be found in books and on bumper stickers. People point to the wisdom of everyone from college professors to cowboys, from doctors to dogs. Yet, for all that wisdom out there, the most important truths and the greatest wisdom is found only in the pages of Scripture.
    In Rom. 8:26-30, Paul highlights 5 different ways in which God desires to give us wisdom for living this life. God gives us wisdom about our prayer life, about our problems in life, about His people’s lives, about His purpose for our lives, and about His process for transforming our lives.
    God’s plans for us fully provide for our promised future.
    Romans 8:26-30
    Dec. 5, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Nov 28, 2021The Blessing of Hope
    Nov 28, 2021
    The Blessing of Hope
    Series: Romans
    The Apostle Paul was no stranger to personal suffering.  Yet, as he brings us into this section of Romans 8, he is able to say that whatever present sufferings we may be going through, there is absolutely no comparison with the glorious future the Lord has planned for His followers.  Here Paul shows us three blessings: 1) We Have the Blessing of Future Glory, 2) We Have the Blessing of Full Redemption, and 3) We Have the Blessing of Faith Rewarded.
    The blessing of God’s future plans for us is bigger than the pain of our present sufferings.
    Romans 8:18-25
    Nov. 28, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Nov 21, 2021Finding a New Forever Family
    Nov 21, 2021
    Finding a New Forever Family
    Series: Romans
    God adopts us into His family by faith, and leads us by His Spirit to leave behind life in the flesh.
    Romans 8:12-17
    Nov. 21, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.