Aug 15, 2021
A Priceless Inheritance
Series: Romans
In Romans 4:13-17, Paul shows us two mutually exclusive ways of entering into a right relationship with God - It is either by our obedience to the Law, or by faith.  There is no other alternative, and only one of those two choices actually works.  Paul essentially shows us that you can't get to heaven by obeying God. You can only get to heaven by believing God.
It is by faith we receive God's gracious promise of a priceless inheritance.
Romans 4:13-17
Aug. 15, 2021
To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Aug 15, 2021A Priceless Inheritance
    Aug 15, 2021
    A Priceless Inheritance
    Series: Romans
    In Romans 4:13-17, Paul shows us two mutually exclusive ways of entering into a right relationship with God - It is either by our obedience to the Law, or by faith.  There is no other alternative, and only one of those two choices actually works.  Paul essentially shows us that you can't get to heaven by obeying God. You can only get to heaven by believing God.
    It is by faith we receive God's gracious promise of a priceless inheritance.
    Romans 4:13-17
    Aug. 15, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Aug 8, 2021Father of the Faithful
    Aug 8, 2021
    Father of the Faithful
    Series: Romans
    As Paul presents the truth of salvation being through faith in Christ alone, he answers a couple of questions by looking back at Abraham, our father in the faith.  1) How are we saved? and 2) When are we saved?  Paul encourages all believers in Christ to follow Abraham's steps of faith.
    The faith of Abraham is an example for us to follow.
    Romans 4:9-12
    Aug. 8, 2021
    Sermon audio did not get recorded. Please click the link below to watch the service on YouTube. 
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Aug 1, 2021God’s Accounting System
    Aug 1, 2021
    God’s Accounting System
    Series: Romans
    Basic finances and accounting are familiar enough.  But, God's accounting system is different.  In God's accounting system, by faith in Christ, God credits our account with righteousness.  Furthermore, by faith in Christ, God doesn’t debit our account with sin.
    The Good News is that in His accounting system God accepts us, through our faith, just as we are.
    Romans 4:1-8
    Aug. 1, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click
  • Jul 25, 2021Where God’s Grace Shows Up
    Jul 25, 2021
    Where God’s Grace Shows Up
    Series: Romans
    Having spent almost 3 chapters explaining the "bad news," Paul now turns to explain the "good news" and the relief and joy that come as we find justification through faith in Christ alone.  God's righteousness revealed the solution to our sin, and what we find is that faith is how we receive God's fantastic grace.
    God's gracious gift of redemption comes through faith in Christ.
    Romans 3:21-31
    July 25, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Jul 18, 2021Are Good Works Good Enough?
    Jul 18, 2021
    Are Good Works Good Enough?
    Series: Romans
    We’re coming to the end of Paul’s “bad news.”  He has spent most of the opening 3 chapters of Romans laying out the problem every single person faces in life – we all stand guilty before God.  Paul says 3 things about our sinful status – we are confirmed as sinners by our character – we are confirmed as sinners by our conduct – and as confirmed sinners we are condemned.  But (spoiler alert), the good news yet to come is that – confirmed sinners can be saved by Christ.
    We can’t save ourselves from the consequences of sin, but, Christ can!
    Romans 3:9-20
    July 18, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Jul 11, 2021I Object
    Jul 11, 2021
    I Object
    Series: Romans
    As we come into Romans 3, Paul anticipates objections that might be raised by Jewish readers of his letter.  With the 8 verses of our text, Paul gives voice to 4 specific objections some Jews might have had to his message, and shows how God sequentially overrules them.   
    Our objections don’t overrule God’s justice – He is faithful, and willing to forgive.
    Romans 3:1-8
    July 11, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Jul 4, 2021Declaration of Dependence
    Jul 4, 2021
    Declaration of Dependence
    Series: John
    Liberty, or freedom, is a concept that is highly valued in our culture.  On Independence Day, a day we celebrate national freedom, what we find in John 8:31-36 is that true freedom is only found through faith in Christ.
    Jesus clearly shows us that we are slaves to sin, that slavery to sin leaves us outside of God’s family, and our initial reaction to sin is to deny we’re enslaved to it.  Christ alone offers us true freedom, that freedom comes to us as we respond to the truth, and we need to continue to live in light of the truth.
    True freedom is only found through faith in Christ – declare your dependence.
    John 8:31-36
    July 4, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Jun 20, 2021A Tale of a Father’s Love
    Jun 20, 2021
    A Tale of a Father’s Love
    Series: Father's Day
    Join us as the Prodigal Son reflects on his experiences leaving home, living the good life, struggling, coming to his senses, and returning to a surprising welcome from his father.  What he learned is something all of us need to know.
    God gladly receives repentant sinners.
    Luke 15:11-24
    June 20, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Jun 13, 2021God’s Judgment on the Judgmental
    Jun 13, 2021
    God’s Judgment on the Judgmental
    Series: Romans
    In Romans 2, Paul continues to lay out the “bad news” for us.  It doesn’t matter who we are, we are all staring God’s judgment in the face.  Three facts about God’s judgment show up in our passage – God’s Judgment is Inescapable, God's Judgment is Righteous, and God's Judgment is Impartial.
    None of us is good enough to escape God’s judgment on our own – we must believe in Jesus, trusting God for His mercy and grace.
    Romans 2:1-16
    June 13, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.
  • Jun 6, 2021Speed Limits & Stop Signs
    Jun 6, 2021
    Speed Limits & Stop Signs
    Series: Romans
    To fully appreciate the "Good News" that God has for us, Paul takes the remainder of Romans 1 to give us the "Bad News."  Paul begins this section of his letter by showing us that God’s wrath against sin is justified.  He goes on with the bulk of the passage to show us that people’s suppression of the truth has consequences, and he concludes with a warning against approving of unrighteousness. With some very vivid warnings, this passage encourages us to acknowledge God and His rightful place in our lives, giving Him the honor & thanks He deserves.
    Romans 1:18-32
    June 6, 2021
    To watch the video of this message, click here.